I had a very strange dream last night. I can try to put it into words, but how often are we really able to explain a dream? I remember it started by being outside at night. I know this is because last night, the kids and I stood outside and watched the gorgeous, huge, magnificent orange full moon for a long time. We stood there in awe. Connor said to me, "I didn't know God made those kind of moons. I thought they were just white". I told him God can make anything! So, that most likely ushered in the beginning of my dream. Well, in the dream, people were out and about, outside at night. When we noticed the sky. The planets started getting closer and closer and circling the earth, and there were other ones, too, more than we knew about. It occurred to my dreaming mind that theses were angels taking account of what people were doing, and that the end for us was about to happen. Those who had accepted Jesus into their hearts would be taken into a wonderful place! So, as I realized that, I began finding everyone I knew, and talking to them. I had some people choose Jesus, and a few did not. Then, there was a judgement angel, this part is foggy. I just remember those who did not have Jesus being chosen, and pointed at by the angel, and their body fell into ashes on the floor, but their soul went to a horrible place. A place of discontent, bickering, arguing, and just no happiness at all. And those of us saved were called up into a wonderful place! I did not see any wonderful sights in the dream. I just saw this man in a robe, and lots of hair. I IMMEDIATELY knew that was Jesus. He was the most loving, beautiful thing I had ever seen! When we all saw Him, he smiled, and all I could do was run up like a little child and give Him the biggest hug. I remember just saying Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for saving us! We were so happy there. My heart was so fulfilled and euphoric. I remember now, I read the story of the plagues in Exodus last night to the kids, and the Passover, which most likely is where some of this draws from. I woke up thinking, Something to that affect is really going to happen. The dream felt similar to a vision, almost. I would never want to put that dream in the same category as Biblical vision, but it did truly feel like one. God was in that dream. I have had other dreams where I knew it was satan attacking my thoughts even while I slept, but this was definitely God at work. Perhaps to show the reality and urgency of what I am really here for? The judgement most definitely does come. It has already been written. It is finished, we are just playing it out. I need to tell more people that Jesus is the answer. In the end, who cares if I am embarrassed to walk up to them? It is their final eternity at stake.
Mark 16:15-16
15He (Jesus)said to them,
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved,
but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
My love and me
Tim & Jess
Friday, September 28, 2007
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