Today has been great, until I get some news of what is being said about me. My husband and I decided to delete our Myspace accounts while he is deployed, due to attacks from the enemy that could occur. I have kept my actual account, simply because I have 200 blogs and a lot of pictures I want to keep, but I do not have even 1 friend on there. Well, it came to my attention that the enemy is at work even while we are not there. Here is the words of an old 'friend' to another about me:
I am not saying who, but it is a fellow army wife, who, by the way, has NO contact with me:
"I dont know really. All I know is that she wasn't allowed to talk to Murphy (or any other male for that matter). Tim made her "delete" her myspace, but I dont think she did. She just has a "deleted" picture as her display picture which makes everyone think her profile is deleted. If you click on it...why does it still show her profile as "private" and say her last login is 9-??-07? I haven't talked to her either (and sure as hell dont plan to), but word has it that she quit her job (when she told Tim a different story of course...she's always lying to him) but yeah, she's partying every night and leavin the kids with babysitters all the time which are usually her parents. I dont know why Tim would "ban" her from Murphy and everyone else though. Probably cause she's cheatin' on him. I wouldn't doubt it....the way she is... "
" yeah, well...I think Tim is better off without her anyway! Poor guy doesn't deserve this. but...I feel sorry for the kids. She is a terrible mother. "
Where is this person getting any of this??
And I would like to add that my husband and I guard our marriage relationship, and if there are people of the opposite sex talking a lot to us, we guard our hearts and err on the side of caution. This being said, his work buddies and I had been communicating via messages, and he asked me to stop writing them back, and I obliged, as a good wife should, and that is all!
Ok, I have been with my husband for 9 years this December. I have NEVER cheated. Anyone who knows either of us would know better than to say anything of the sort. I live with my parents, and I do not go out. Where this person gets her information is beyond me. All I know is that we are Bible believing Christian people, and fully knew and expected attacks of this sort while he is gone. This is the first of its kind, but certainly not the last. We both are in the Word everyday, and Satan hates that fact. This is yet another attack on a Christian home, mom, and family. We will not stand for it, and am bringing it into the Light right now.
Jeremiah 29:11:
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope.
Deuteronomy 33:29
29 Blessed are you, O Israel!
Who is like you,
a people saved by the LORD ?
He is your shield and helper
and your glorious sword.
Your enemies will cower before you,
and you will trample down their high places. [a]
Psalm 13
4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing to the LORD,
for he has been good to me.
My love and me
Tim & Jess
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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Girl. You can't let this girl get to you. Clearly she is one of those people that just likes to talk and has to make up things she can not explain and is jealous of. All who know you know any of that isn't true. It is so obvious when you read that how ignorant and jealous that girl is, probably because she is a super bitch and her husband doesn't care about her. It is like everything she said is the exact opposite. Sounds like that is the exact reason Tim wanted ya'll off of there and yet it still got to you. You have to try to dismiss such trash. I LOVE YOU!
I just posted a comment but it doesn't seem to have worked so I will try again. You have to try not to let that crap get to you. Reading it I knew what kind of girl that chick must be. Especially knowing you. It is like the exact opposite of the truth. Sounds like that crap is why Tim didn't want ya'll online while he was a way, yet it still got to you. Anyone who knows you, and definately her, knows thats a bunch of bull. She just has to fill in the wholes of what she can scrap up snooping with what makes her feel better at night. Probably because she is jealous because she is such a super bitch her husband doesn't care like Tim does. You have just go to dismiss such trash for what it is and not let it get to you. Though I know it is hard. Sounds like you have got it handled tho.
Yes, this is actually the second attempt to hurt us THIS YEAR from her! The Lord knows our heart, and so do anyone who knows us. I love you, too!!
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