Well, I have been praying and praying over our finances, and it seems that one thing after another keeps happening, to where we cannot get out of this bind. I had to buy a new tire this morning, which, led to an..aghem...adventure in Walmart for 5 hours with 2 and 4 year old daughters of mine. I use the word adventure. I did get to see many loved ones, close friends, and new friends while we were there. Even made a new friend, another mother and her 3 year old girl who came in behind me and left as I was leaving! She attends Bellevue, and is in the Sunday School class we were in when we first got married! We never were in the class at the same time, though. Walmart is a place where much can be had. We had our lunch at McDonald's. After 3 hours, since that is how long they were telling me it would take, we headed back to the tire center, and we were still one car away, as I was getting this info, my girls decided that the tire display looked like as good a place as any to make a new clubhouse, so they hid in there and climbed through the tires, while I grabbed them, the youngest screamed-it was already 1 hour past nap. Ok, finally, one of our last treks was to the bike aisle to look at big girl bikes. My friends Stacey Barretta, who had seen me earlier, came to keep me company for a few, and we talked while I let the girls get down 2 fold n go tricycles and ride up and down aisles to their hearts delight! Yep, I did! Ok, they had been through enough! I let them have some fun in Wally-World! It was fun! And Hope rode on a Pretty Pony and even a singing catepillar. Then Katelyn played jump rope with a hula hoop. Then, we went and paid at the front, just to waste more time. Katelyn helped me pay, which means putting things from the basket onto the belt (we had accumulated a bit in our cart, from walking the aisles for 5 hours). So, then, we went back and waited in the tire center waiting room, and watched 'Jakers' on PBS. And we went home, took naps in the car, and went to dance class.
So, I took a wrong turn down a country road, NEVER done that out here before, but we ended up late for dance, but when we got there, not one, but two different mothers had bags full of clothing, shoes, and coats for my girls. I cannot express how I feel. So I have been praying for our finances, and God has shown Himsels, as always, faithful and true. Both of my girls (and Connor for that matter, due to a wonderful man who works with my mother-in-law) now are not needing anything for this entire season, my husband has a full wardrobe, shoes, pants, and shirts, jacket, and we have 7 nights of luxury for free ahead of us. All of this because we are faithful to our Lord, and He shows Himself through His people. How Awesome are His Works? I still need much, but I see the needs being met on a daily basis, solely from God, through these people. I just love Him, and when we serve Him, He is so faithful to provide everything we need. I will continue to pray for our money situation, but these things that have been given to us have definitely lightened our burden.
Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer
John 16:23-24
In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
My love and me
Tim & Jess
Friday, November 2, 2007
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