I wish Tim could have been here

Connor did so good at the Christmas program! He sang Saturday and Sunday nights. His costume, along with the rest of the preschool choir, was a paper grocery bag, with a large yellow star on the front! He played his part in the greatest 4 and 5 year old hand bell rendition of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' I have ever heard :) and sang 'Praise Him, All You Shining Stars' and 'Infant Holy, Infant Lowly'. I was so proud! And he had a speaking part "After they had seen the King, they went on their way" and he nailed it!! Then he went to Mission Kids, and when I picked the kids up after my concert, he and Katelyn had made me cards. Connor had written my name and his name all inside. And this is what it 'said'.
"Mommy, I know you love me and that your love never ends, Dear Mommy and Connor"
That is what he said that it said! And on the back he glued a tree and star and manger on it! He has such a sweet heart :)
My parents came and watched/listened to our program and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was surprised to see even my dad seemed to enjoy himself away from Mr. Laptop, lol. I had reserved front row seats for them, with their names on them and everything! And I had my camcorder set up for my dad on the tripod, so he could get it on dvd for Tim. But, as life would have it, my $100 battery died 35 minutes into it! So, I will try to get someone elses and copy it. But we did get Connor's part in it! Well, I am working at the Law Office this week, in the mornings. They called me in to fill in for their girl, I think people are taking off for the holidays. I am grateful for the extra money. I have Connor starting violin lessons in January, and what I will make this week covers 2/3rds the cost of the semester!!
AWW, I love the pictures.. And I'm totally surprised your dad joined in the fun. Although, he doesn't look happy about it. Prof. pictures are nice & pretty, but I think it's nice to have the candids too. They really seem to catch the moment. Little kids always seem to make sure you get the candid ones.
Thanks my bloggy buddy :) So glad you joined me in this!
Love you!
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