My love and me

My love and me
Tim & Jess

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday Thirteen - #3

1-If evolution WAS true, then mothers would have more than 2 hands. We would have at LEAST 8...

2. I am actually posting this Friday morning, and editing the date.

3. Why is it that my kids want to wake up for the day-while it is still dark outside??

4. Is it illegal to actually go through with taping my child's mouth shut?? He just will not be quiet!

5. Now about that tape again. Can I do that?

6. I won't, but man, he makes my head hurt. BE QUIET ALREADY!! It is JUST NOW 7:00 am. SHUT IT

7. I really don't care that his sister called him 'stupid head' just now, because that is how he is acting. Actually, I would call him annoying loud-mouth who doesn't know when to stop talking

8. I shouldn't be writing these things!

9. I am NOT into hearing a loud pitched voice going 200 miles an hour this early EVERY MORNING

10. I am so glad I get to go into work for the day

11. I wonder if Connor will stop talking long enough to actually take the violin lessons that I am going to work to pay for?!?

12. Maybe he will

13. I need to take a deep breath and go pour my coffee now, and try to get calmed down, and read my Bible now..breathe....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

i do love you & it does get better. they learn to control themselves. I promise.