I just have to post this video! I guess I am in the Church of Oprah, lol. It truly burdens me to hear and watch so many 'lost' people get scared of hearing and seeing us live the very thing we have been saying to do, based on the Bible. Jesus was part of the Church of Oprah, too. Who says we must call 'God, God'? God is whatever you think he/she/it is. And the God I serve, and live for is not the God of fear. If we are to fear nothing, then, why is the Christian church up in arms? Is this new Church mindset hurting anyone? Do you see the fruits of the spirit we preach about coming to fruition? Because I know I do. Crime will go down, poverty will be gone, change of habits, such as eating and excercising is going to lead to less sickness and disease. Stop with the fear, and push through it. Study things and come to your conclusions. Don't take one video and come to a conclusion that the way is wrong. 'Seek and Ye Shall find'. Just ask and it will be revealed. The truth is there. Ask 'the father'. You will come to it. If you are truly seeking.
My love and me
Tim & Jess
Sunday, April 6, 2008
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On a personal level, I do not agree with Oprah's belief that Jesus is not the only way. But that is a discussion for another day ;)
I also don't think Oprah is the devil or the antichrist like some people do :)
My issue is when she talks about sitting in church and says she heard that God was "jealous" and that is what turned her off to the Baptist belief system (so to speak).
Well, God is not jealous in the sense that we are. I think it is unfair for her to say that God is only love and not really take some time to study the meaning of saying God is "jealous". God does not have human emotions, this is simply a way for the Biblical writer to make us understand that we cannot fully worship God and other idols or beings at the same time. I think that she portrays an unfair perspective of that Biblical text.
Thank you for the comment, Jess! Yours are always full of joy. I would think, however, that if God dwells within us, that God does have human emotions. And I know that if God is the God of love, then there is no jealousy. Unconditional love is just that, unconditional. Unconditional means NONE shall parish, no matter what. That superceeds free-will. These are some of the same reasons plus many others that I, too, left the 'church', and studied on my own. I got off the bottle, so to speak, and now I enjoy some 'daily manna'
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