My love and me

My love and me
Tim & Jess

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I am officially a nerd. I had to get glasses!
I haven't been on here in so long. Tim is coming in a matter of days and I am not really in the writing mood, except emails to him telling him to hurry up! So, God has been blessing us left and right. I have been praying for our finances like crazy! Well, we haven't received money so to speak, but I have received God's Word in my heart and his quiet whispers in my mind, telling me what to do. As for Tim's leave, he will be here for 18 days-give or take, and we have 7 nights stay at various luxury hotels in the downtown area, free of charge! Let me name drop for them: 2 nights at the French Quarter, 1 night at Holiday Inn Select, 3 nights at Marriott on Main, and one night at the Peabody!!! Now if we can just get some food! And the other nights we will be visiting his family in Mississippi, and staying in our family's vacant farmhouse in Arkansas. We will take the kids down there with their bikes, have a bonfire, and a good 'ol time! There's cable, too! I can't leave my FoxNews, now can I? Oh, I started yet a third Bible study. This one is with my sister. We are doing Experiencing God, which I have done twice before but never finished. So I have one on Proverbs, one on the book of James, and now, one of the most difficult of all times, Experiencing God. If I don't know God as himself by the end of these, there's something wrong!! Here is my Bible verse for the week for the new one:
John 15:5
I am the vine, you are the branches. If any man remains in me, and I in him, then he will bear much fruit; apart from Me, you can do nothing.
That was pure memory, and if it isn't 100%, sorry, I will get it right by days 5! It's a known verse so it wasn't difficult. Jean Stockdale gives the HARD ones! I cower to them.

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