Here is what I got from my mom for Christmas. She let me pick it out, so I would be satisfied! It is from Here. Now I can tell the workd I am an Army wife, and proud of it!! I had wanted to get one before, but there were so many designs to choose from, that I never decided on one, but since she told me to pick one out for my present, I went ahead and got this one. It came yesterday and is so cute!!
If anyone out there reads this and has any advice for me, please tell me how to
- make my 2 year get rid of diarrhea. Really, enough is enough already.
- do the whole stay at home mom thing-cook, clean, laundry, baths, brush teeth, and get the kids outside to play, oh, and keep the sick child inside, while the sick child clings to your leg, and the other kids are wanting you to push them on the swing.
My brother just called to tell me about an awesome new place called Incredible Pizza. I looked it up, It looks so cool! It is like a modern Chuck-E-Cheese. I will definitely take the family there soon! It is getting cool outside, and that is definately a good option!!
Yeah, I've seen the new Incredible Pizza place too. I was planning on taking all the kids there over Christmas break.
That jacket is super cute!
HEY! Yea i have been watching the progress on that place in the old kmart, relieved that that old huge building wont go to waste there, and wondering what it would be, then they finally put a sign up. It looks fun, it has indoor gocarts. we should get the kids together and go. i always love it when we get tristin and connor together!
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