My love and me

My love and me
Tim & Jess

Friday, September 26, 2008

Various Life Updates..I need to blog more often

Our family at the end of our one night camping adventure with the kids-their first campout EVER :)
September 2008

I find myself mentally blogging all of the time, which must mean I need to get the thoughts out, and into real readable words. This only happens when I have not blogged in a while. Whenever I finally do write, I feel much better :) I hold back many potential entries because I think, "Noone even reads these, why take the time?", but it is for me, so I need to do it more either way. It isn't for "my public", lol

Things have been pretty mundane, yet busy around the 5ash household. We are getting into the full swing of being parents of children that are no longer babies, yet they are not old enough to take out in public all at once, and us be able to enjoy ourselves. I know that time will come, but for now, we take them in turns and solo dates, and the other of us stays home with the other two.

Katelyn has started preschool. She goes half-days in the mornings. She is so big! Here are some photos of her first day:

Here Connor is giving Katelyn a big hug and kiss before she went to school. He was so excited for her! (Notice he is holding TWO tape measures, and notice the board on the carpet, which he was measuring.)

Tim giving Katelyn a big hug before she left for her first day of Preschool!

Here is Katelyn sitting in her seat in her new classroom! Have you ever seen a bigger smile?

Connor is in Kindergarten. He is doing great! We live down the street from his school, so we usually walk. He goes half days, in the afternoons. I am not happy about the half day schedule for him, but I am dealing with it!! I had never heard of real Kindergarten being 1/2 day. Here are some pictures of his first day (actually it was his 2nd day..I forgot the memory card in the camera on the 1st day, and had to re-do them the second day!)

Connor ready to go!

This is Ms. Jackson's Kindergarten class. This is how they go in, and how they leave.

Connor, Jaylen-my friend's son, and Landon, Jaylen's neighbor...all in the same class! This made the first few days much easier for them. Look how short Connor is!

We had to say good-bye to some of our friends that we had made since coming to Ft Lewis. The Cortizar family, with 4 children, had become some of our cookout regulars and birthday party guests. Raul and Tim worke together and were deployed together. Blanca and I talked often. They PCS'd to Georgia earlier in September. They stopped by the night before they left:

Here is Tim talking to Raul and Blanca. That is one of their dogs, Zeus.

Blanca and me saying good-bye. My camera was dying, but I managed a picture with my friend!! I miss them already, but she and I text message regularly!

Tim has been in school this semester, and I begin my classes on October 1st. It will be tough, but I really want to finish my degree and begin teaching when all of the kids are in school. It would be great if they could be at my school.

Tim just came in, so I will post more later!


HopeE said...

Cute pictures!! You all sound SUPER busy!!

Jessica said...

Thanks! We ARE busy. The kids are getting older and somewhat easier...and even more fun by the day!