"So this is what it feels like to be 'proud to be an American'? I've had that song in my head since I woke up this morning. I was pulling for Obama to win for months and months. All of my friends on my Facebook are from back home in Tennessee, and all of my family back there, as well as those in Arkansas, they were full of not so nice words for Barack all along. It put a little doubt in my mind about him winning, but I could see poll numbers leading up to the election, and I still had hope. I feel so proud of my fellow countrymen and women today for the choice that we made together yesterday. McCain is a great man, I do believe, however, Obama is the man that this country needs RIGHT NOW. He is cool, calm, and collected, and whether the white south admits it to themselves or not, this was about race as well. And it is about race only because the fact that we want racial equality, but continue to put white men in the oval office. Obama did not run as a black canditate, but he is black, at least half black, and what I see about to happen is a great thing. The people in the poverty lives, and ghettos now see a black man being the most powerful figure on earth. For the FIRST time in history, they see that you can make it to the top-no matter your odds. They see it for real. I see the social experiment of the millenium about to test humanity and shape us into a more perfected people.
I took Connor to the voting booth with me yesterday. He has been so excited about this election, so, since he is almost 6, I thought it would be a memorable experience for him. Katelyn begged to go, too, but I had no idea how long the lines would be, and I didn't want both of them to be there, fighting, etc!
We waited 2 hours, and finished "Detective Camp", a chapter book I have been reading to him. And we stood in line with some entertaining figures that took the time factor off focus. I dropped him off at school on the way home so he didn't miss the entire day, and he got to wear the "I voted" sticker inside class.
Last night, we all gathered to watch the results. When it hit 333 votes for Obama, Hope and Connor ran in because they heard me shouting for joy!! Hope began dancing and singing and Connor started shouting that he wanted to call Pop! I tried to call Pop, but we got his voicemail. Connor left a funny heartfelt message. Then Connor ran in and got me some pudding and a spoon. He said "here mommy, take a bite".
You see, two weeks ago, I decided to stop eating anything sweet until Obama won. Not that I know fasting works, but I was raised in that mindset, so I did it. The wisdom of my 5 year old son to go to the fridge to get something sweet overwhelmed me.
Connor then began speaking of when he becomes president.
So, while I am sorry for the loss of many McCain supporters' candidate, I am so uplifted today.
I am so glad you took Connor to vote- I was glad to see that at my polling place there were TONS of people there with their kids in tow.
Charlotte has already gone to vote with me twice in the past, but I was afraid a two year old wouldn't make it waiting in the crazy line this year. It turned out not to be too bad, but she was still probably better off not going.
I know she doesn't understand yet, but I intend to take her with me as much as humanly possible.
The only thing I am sad to see is that we actually only had a 10% increase in voter turnout ... which puts us about on par with the level of voting turnout in the 1960s.
10% is still better than nothing, but I am amazed that there were almost 100 million people who were eligible and didn't bother to vote. I can't imagine they were all refusing to vote as a "statement", so I can't imagine what made them stay home.
In the last election there were 50 million registered! voters who still didn't vote. The results are not in on that one this year, but I hope it looks better.
I am not a big fan of the government telling people that they have to do something, but I think if you don't vote and are legally eligible you should give up your right to any type of government aid or assistance or something. It is just crazy!
sorry I am a bad commenter- I do still read your blog and keep up with how you guys are doing. I just do it in Google Reader and it makes me lazy.
I took Jolie with me to vote too. She was not impressed with any of it. Now, all of the kids have had their turn in an election.
Here's a thought for ya... The next time we vote for a President, my oldest son will be studying for his Driver's License. How crazy is that?
Noooooo! That is too wierd!!
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